Peyton and Chase started T-Ball and Baseball this week. This is Peyton's first time and at first he had reservations about playing but Craig talked him into it and Peyton ended up having a lot of fun. He got a new bat, and we are still on the lookout for a right-handed glove. All we could find were pink ones. Peyty throws left and hits right. Chase started his 4th season of T-Ball which is now coach-pitch baseball.
Peyton at batting practice. |
Chase in uniform. |
Chase at bat. |
Peyton in uniform. |
Peyton also started Pre-School on Monday with Miss Heidi. She is a good friend of mine and she has a great school. She engages the kids and has lots of fun stuff for them to do and learn. Chase was in her school when he was 2. He loved it as well. Peyton didn't want to go to school at first, but once we got there, he was waving bye-bye sooner than I had anticipated. The next morning he told me that it I had left him there too long. The school is 3 hours/ 3 days a week. Today he had reservations as well, but he let me leave him there alone rather quickly. When we came to pick him up he was already at the door with his backpack on. He says he likes school and is having fun.
Peyton is having 2 firsts in his life right now. He is also not used to being away from me. I am his Sunbeam teacher at church, so we are always together. I love the fact that now he will learn how to listen to and follow directions from people that are not his parents.
They are getting so big! They need a sister! :)