Thursday, October 20, 2011

I'm Back

Wow, it has been a crazy month since I have written last. My computer slowed down to the point where you could click on an icon and it literally froze and took hours to get there. So I have been out of writing commission and I have been missing writing here. Craig had my laptop repaired and it now works like a champ.

Since I last wrote, both boys have started baseball. Chase plays coach-pitch and Peyton plays T-ball. Today is actually the day of their final games. I have enjoyed watching them play and grow as ball players. I feel an immense sense of pride when I see them up at bat, hitting the ball and running the bases. I am sad to see the season end.

We purchased a trophy for each boy, one cost us $11.25 and the other cost us $7.00. We didn't see them until today because someone else ordered them. Here are the 2 trophies, can you tell which one cost more?

We retreived the RV from the dealer in Calera, AL who was doing warranty work and set it up at Craig's hunting camp. He is excited to teach Chase valuable deer hunting skills. Meanwhile, Chase is growing out of all his pants and if there is one thing I cannot abide, it is high-water pants on a boy. This school year Chase and I drop Peyty off at his pre-k class and then we head to the library to get his work done. It has been a great thing where we can spend time alone and get his schoolwork done early in the day.

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