Today is my anniversary. It's a big one; 10 years. But not of marriage. This anniversary celebrates 10 years of living in the South. 7 of them have been in Georgia and the other 3 in Alabama. So, hats off as I toast a decade of very un-Utah-like foods such as grits, fried pickles, pimiento cheese sandwiches, BBQ, iced tea, homemade mac'n'cheese, fried okra, green beans with fatback, dumplings at Thanksgiving, as well as very un-Utah-like words like fixin', y'all, tote, mash, shoe strings, ma'am, and using the word Miss or Mr. in front of every body's first name.
The South is where I want to be. I love wearing flip flops year round, don't miss the snow one iota, and I adore having 4 distinct seasons. Now, I am not dissing on my home-state of Utah; I love love love the Wasatch mountains and the canyons and being near my family, but this is where I belong, where I long to be. Here, I have the Blue Ridge and the Smokey Mountains and if I get a hankerin', the ocean is not too far away either. Here in the South is where my 2 most favorite men in the whole world were born. Cheers to my Georgia baby and to my Alabama baby. I Love You Guys More Than Anything!!!